What More is Left ?

What More is Left ?

What More is Left ?

 The rumor began back in 2015 after the launch of iPhone 6 , from various sources and news leaks went viral that "Apple" is planning to remove headphone jack from there upcoming new launches coming the following year . Although blindfolded fans of this renowned company praised this decision a lot but it was nothing else other than "killing of originality in the name of innovation ".

Over the year one thing you'll not see in this company's website is wired earphones . Now, I know what you all are thinking why I'm against this technological advancement ?Trust me I'm not rather I'm a tech enthusiast always looking forward for technological advancement . If you ask gamers, video editors , news agency and film makers these all people tend to rely more on these wired earphones rather than wireless . The major problem with these wireless device is latency . For most of you 3ms latency mustn't feel much but when it comes to end-to-end seamless connectivity and higher response time this plays a major role.
Over the years many company started following this trend and one wrong thing started happening with customers ; rather than company treating there customer's as king they rather started taking them for granted . Hence, you'll  no longer see free earphones with the box . Furthermore, company's have now started to now even not give power adapter in the box . In the end I think this whole conversation's conclusion depends on "How the customer wants themselves to be treated ? " .

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