5G in India ?

5G in India ?

 This year, 5G has been a popular topic of conversation, with telecom giants Jio and Airtel declaring plans for 5G in India. According to recent sources, the 5G network will not require a new SIM card, and the transition to 5G will be unlike previous cellular generation upgrades. “5G wireless technology is supposed to give faster multi-Gbps peak data speeds, ultra-low latency, improved reliability, huge network capacity, increased availability, and a more uniform user experience to a larger number of users,” according to Qualcomm.


The 5G technology’s faster data speeds and extremely low latency will improve the user experience when using 5G services for various purposes. This includes Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) gaming, seamless video calling, Ultra-high Definition (UHD) films, and intelligent device services. Over the predicted time frame, most software companies are forecasting a rising demand for high-speed data for smart services and other connected devices is likely to boost the adoption of 5G networks. Furthermore, the growing importance of 5G system deployment providers in forming connections with telephone companies is projected to accelerate the adoption of 5G services.

For the 5G wireless technology that can be allowed with the new emerging technologies, ultra-high bandwidth is essential along with 1000 times larger capacity, ultra-high data date, zero latency, high-speed mobility, and high energy optimization. 5G is technologically superior to earlier wireless technologies in the following ways:

  • 1) Super speed, i.e., 1 to 10 Gbps
  • 2) Latency will be one millisecond
  • 3) 500Mhz to 1-2 GHz
  • 4) Feasibility to connect 10 to 100 numbers of devices
  • 5) Worldwide coverage
  • 6) About 95% reductions in network energy usage
  • 7) Much longer Battery life
  • 8) The whole world will be in a Wi-Fi zone

So, what are your ideas on how to leverage the true potential of 5G in India? If you liked this article, feel free to share it with your friends who are interesting in emerging technologies and the endless possibilities associated with those!

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